Multimedia Guides and Resources

Mar 20, 2011 20:27

Multimedia Resource Post

This is a resource post for all the teams for the multimedia aspects of the Games, so all the shippers can get active experience.  I’m starting out with beginner links for those that are brand new, but guides that are aimed at more experienced users are fine too.  Please comment with any guides or instructional posts you know of!  Especially for art, as I don't know anything about creating or hosting art.

ETA 3/27/11:  I added a few more vidding guides in a new Vidding Theory section.
ETA 10/12/11:  I added streaming and resource info from the OTW in the Vidding and Streaming sections.
ETA 2/16/12:  I added podfic creation and streaming info in the Podfic sections.


xf_fanfilm:  Scroll down to part 5 for info on using Window’s Movie Maker (WMM), which came with Windows if you have a PC.

Video tutorial for using WMM.  Includes uploading to YouTube. Basics of editing in WMM, plus how to play/edit with the Divx codec and how to export your final vid. Introduction to vidding for Mac users.

xf_fanfilm:  Ripping clips through XMPEG.

AoA DVD ripper: free.

Ripping clips with AoA.

Resources for Fan Video Creators:  Hosted by the OTW.

Vidding Theory (non-technical, software independent advice)

Taragel: Vidding Meta - Editing tips and tricks AMV Theory Primer

Streaming Video Sites:

The OTW's Options for Hosting Streaming Video.

Streaming Music Sites for Fanmixes:

Grooveshark Widgets


podslash: Their profile includes basic info on how to make a podfic using Audacity for PC or Mac.

audiofic.jinjurly: Tips on how to create podfic, plus links to more tutorials at the bottom.  This site archives podfic of any rating for any fandom.

Garage Band for Mac users, to record your podfic or songs.

How To Podfic: Garage Band and iTunes Walkthrough for Podficcing by Luna P.

Embedding Podfic Streams into your LJ posts, or other places.

Filesharing sites to share your vids and podfic: - you do not have to create an account to use rapidshare.

ship olympics, multimedia resources and guides, all teams, ship olympics important documents

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