Feb 02, 2010 08:28

it has come to my attention that folks want to know how bonus points are awarded. i realized (just about now) that this process was never explained in any great detail but rather put under the umbrella of 'at discretion of the mods' and therefore i shall explain:

the process

+ at 11 AM EST (ish) Admiral Redshirt starts checking all posts for technical difficulties, format, tags, word counts and other things. test posts are done, captains are reminded about submissions, scramble to make sure everyone's stuff is good and in before starting the post is done.

+ at 12-ish, the posts are posted

+ the Admirals then:
1. read every submission
2. read every comment on every submission
3. read every comment on the Ship Wars thread

the next day,

+ the Admirals:
1. check for new comments
2. check for new comments on Ship Wars
3. post the voting poll, watch the voting poll to make sure all votes count and send out PMs to anyone that mistakenly clicked enter before chosing 3 votes

the next day,

+ the vote closes.

at this point, everything that has to do with the points for Ship Wars is finished. now, bonus points are awarded for several reasons and should we see something so unspeakably awesome that it DEMANDS points, we will create a gold star just for that. (because our list is long and expansive but ya'll have thrown us some awesome curve balls, let me tell you that.)

but what is awesome?

when i was a young child, in high school, i was in AP/college courses and we had a big scary exam thing at the end of the year we had to pass to get college credit. naturally, everyone was worried about the huge supa awesome essay that had to be done. now, the top score of said essay was like a 7 and i remember quite clearly this general idea:

nobody can define what makes an essay a 7. when you read it--you'll know because it'll sing.

this is the definition of awesome. during the aforementioned process of reading every comment (and ya'll are comment fiends, btw i love you for it), the Admirals are keeping a list of possible gold-stars. it can be anything from the most thoughtful, to the most insane, to the LOL'est, to the aforementioned hard-to-define awesome, to something that so completely demonstrates the whole point of Ship Wars that it demands points be awarded.

this list is then brought to the great pow-wow. all the admirals sit around and relive the wonder and joy of Ship Wars, lol anew, point out the awesome, d'aw over the sweet, marvel at the thoughtful and etc. from this pow-wow emerges the final Gold Star awards. there is no limit on how many are given out.

we do not care if Team A gets 5 of them in one Ship Wars. if they got the points, they deserved the points.

so how do i get them
be unique.

be creative.

be outrageous in a fun way.

be daring.

be loud.

be sparkly.

be proud.

be friendly.

be thoughtful.

be giving.

be memorable.

-- -- -- -- --

so, that srs bsns is done...

hint: something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue

(and if you know what phrase is usually associated with you'll be good to go).

ship wars

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