Aug 05, 2009 23:55
I wrote this as an response in a thread, and thought, hey stop threadjacking.
There was this terribly interesting thread on quijinngone's livejournal, that juxaposed Kirk's Mother, Winona with Spock's Mother, Amanda, and it has been needling me ever since. In short, it was the contrast of the women and of the environments that these men grew up in, and questions of privilege and love and acceptance.
Basicly- Kirk's Mother, Winona, was a deeply scarred Starfleet Officer who suffered from PSTD, and literally Jim is a reminder of of the loss of her partners and her friends, and quite possibly part of her career. And Winona is so very beautiful. Jim loves her with no limits, but Winona, trying to put her life back together, possibly did not communicate that to Jim. And even more harder if she, as an attractive, intelligent woman, wanted love and companionship from a man who was willing to parent her child(ren?) while she was off planet. How do relate to women in general, and relationships, when the woman who gave you life was in and out of it ( by no fault of her own)? Do you constantly try for attention, or for conquests, or both? Was/Is Jim so insecure that he learned to not rely on anyone else? could love of a ship- and the hair bending career that goes with it- trump any and all romantic relationships, and possibly, sometimes friendships?
On the other hand, Spock Mother's, Amanda, is the ultimate in motherly support and love. Spock (partially) looks like the man Amanda loves and that make her love for him all the more intense and all encompassing. She has suffered racism on her adopted planet and knows her son has suffered it too, yet Spock see her not only bear it, but become one of those trusted leaders of the Council who would be protecting the Katric Ark- meaning that she is not only loving, but incredibly intelligent and wise, and must be deferred to by even the most racist Vulcans. And she is so beautiful. Is/Was Spock so secure in his mothers (and in this Reboot!Verse, father's love- it's obvious that while Reboot!Sarek may have not approved of Starfleet, he deeply loves Spock, is not afraid of showing it in his own Vulcan way and is reconciled to him way before the movie begins )could have made him the self rightous arrogant prig we encounter as well as the erotic, secretive lover? Any one else notice that Reboot! Uhura, lookswise looks like Amanda? Seriously- same dark eyes, same lithe, delicate build, probably same intense intelligence and accomplishment, same dark, shiny hair. Only difference, really, is Uhura's darker skin.
Oh my. Paging Dr. Freud!