Title: Out for the Season (Or, How Kissing Jim Kirk Made Hikaru Gay - For Someone Else)
cordelianneFandom: Star Trek XI/XII
Pairing(s): Chekov/Sulu with some Kirk/Sulu and Kirk/McCoy
Rating: Mature
Word count: ~22,600
Disclaimer: Sadly not mine, in any way.
Summary: High School AU. Hikaru’s parents think getting him a foreign exchange student will be a great idea. Hikaru thinks otherwise.
Warning: Jim Kirk is a sneaky scene stealer.
Notes: Undying thanks to
savoytruffle for her invaluable beta and brilliant title… especially since Chekov/Sulu isn’t really her thing.
This fic is complete and posted in 5 chapters.
In which Hikaru discovers Jim Kirk is a gateway drug.