Captain's Chair (Kirk/Uhura, NC-17, PWP)

Jun 03, 2009 22:04

Title:  Captain's Chair
Author: Miz
Pairing:  Kirk/Uhura
Rating: NC-17
Word Count:  837
Disclaimer:  Abrams and Roddenberry own all.
Notes:  *facepalms*  OMG.  I can't believe I wrote this.  Um.  written for st_xi_kink ... the prompt was "Kirk/Uhura in the captain's chair".  Written all in one shot, no beta... straight out PWP.  First attempt at het!porn so.... yeah.
Crosspost:  like whoa.

PWP at my journal

g: het, r: nc-17, a: b_dsaint, p: kirk/uhura

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