Sorry about the hefty entry, guys. I didn't want to spam with four separate posts!
flatbearPairing(s): Bones
Rating: G
Notes/Warnings: Nothing shocking, just a portrait!
flatbearPairing(s): Spock/Bones
Rating: PG
Notes/Warnings: Nothing graphic, just a sweet moment.
Click the preview to be taken to the full pictures!
flatbearPairing(s): Pike/TOS!Number One (I hope this is relevant to the comm, as it features at lease ONE reboot character!)
Rating: PG13
Notes/Warnings: A little ass-grabbing and some skimpy clothing, as well as combining characters from two universes!(NOTE: Picture featured in an entry with the following NSFW picture)
flatbearPairing(s): Pike/Kirk
Rating: Hard R
Notes/Warnings: Light bondage, bruises, blood, hints of violence, nudity, and Pike looking like someone spit in his coffee.
Click the preview to be taken to the full pictures!