[FIC] Ficlet - In the Night

Jul 11, 2010 20:40

Title: In the Night
Characters:  Spock, Kirk
Rating:  massively K
Word Count:  655
Warnings:  Fluff.  Like, enough to choke a horse.  Also, slight silliness.  And fuzzy slippers.   
Summary:  For my hc_bingo  card, the WILD CARD spot - Nightmares.  Takes place just after the TOS episode The Tholian Web.  
Disclaimer:  Not mine, unfortunately
A/N:  I write mostly TOS, but this was far too frivolous in nature to really be considered that and so I consider it AOSish.  I've been told my portrayal of characters, Kirk especially, are a blend of both worlds and so I figured someone here might enjoy this.  Mods, could I get an author's tag?  KCS is fine.

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r: g, fanfic, g: gen, a: kcscribbler

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