Title: Like A Fire (Don't Need Water) (Like A Riot remix)
jane_potter Rating: R
Genre: AU, pre-slash, action, drama
Characters and/or pairings: Spock, Jim Kirk
Warnings: Language, violence, mentions of sexual slavery, allusions to past sexual assault.
Summary: S'chn T'gai Spock is an entirely logical being. In this, he is like all other Vulcans. S'chn T'gai Spock has a rather unique concept of what constitutes logic, however. He considers emotion to be a valid point of consideration in it. In this, he is vastly unlike all other Vulcans. By the time he is twenty-one, they will consider him a terrorist for it. But that is later. This is now.
A/N: Remix of Like A Riot from Spock's POV, plus a whole shitload of backstory.
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