Title: Torch (4)
shinychimera and
yeomanrandPairings: Mirror!McCoy/Mirror!Kirk pre-slash (very pre-slash)
Rating: PG-13 to R
Summary: Kirk breaks free of Nogura, and has to make a choice.
Warnings: Mirror!verse, mentions of violence and death
A/N: Part four of our exploration of how the McCoy and Kirk from
Foreign Waters met and became the fearsome team we all know they are.
Disclaimer: Obviously, none of this belongs to us, because if it did we'd be rich. But probably still writing fanfic.
Torch (1) Torch (2) Torch (3)Torch Series on AO3 ( It's Sunday morning. Time to play a game. Kirk leaves Nogura's compound at dawn, trailing the blood of the guard who tried to stop him. )