Fanfic: What May Come to Pass 5/? (Pg-13, Slash, S/K)

May 26, 2009 22:46

Title: What May Come To Pass 5/?
Author: theseeker8507
Disclaimer: I don't Own
Rating: Pg-13
Warning/Paring: Slash, Spock/Kirk
Summary: It all comes down to emotions and control, ultimately it is that which makes one Vulcan and one Human that defines their outcome, and their future.
Author Note: Sorry about the delay, in the states it was a holiday and I had to work. My friend came home from Hong Kong and I took her out to see Star Trek (her first time, my 8th). I also wrote that little smut and am having more bunnies for that story so I took a break. This probably will be something that I will try to stop but never will be able to, just like a TV show where the characters can come back to life (Supernatural) the story will never end (I hated those movies). Enjoy and please review…
link goes to user name ValorRose

a: theseeker8507, r: pg-13, p: kirk/spock

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