Title: The Ribbon 2/2
sangueuk Rating: nc-17 - ho, ho, ho!
Character/Pairing: Kirk/McCoy
Wordcount: approx 3,800 words complete
Summary: Christmas Day, and Jim is wondering what Bones has got him for Christmas - a sequel to
The Ribbon, Part 1, HERE . This part only works if you’ve read part one first.
Warnings: schmoop
Disclaimer: I mean no offence and court no profits, these boys belong to others more talented and deserving, I merely borrow them, play a while then return them all cleaned up and smiley.
Author’s notes: thanks again to the wonderful
awarrington for making me legible!
Intriguing snippet: ”What you looking for, Bonesy, my present?” Even though the only thing Jim could possibly want or need in his life was right there in front of him he realised with a sigh. Well, maybe a slightly less petulant version than this.
The Ribbon, part 2 HERE AT MY FANFIC JOURNAL Happy Holidays, all!