FIC: Steeplechase 1/1

Mar 31, 2007 01:23

Title: Steeplechase 1/1
Author: st-raoul
Rating: PG-13
Content: Implied slash (m/m).
Disclaimer: I am not making dime one from this, or claiming it as reality. Never happened.
Summary: Thomas and Rob have some lunch.
Notes: This is set on the last day of Rob's most recent anchoring gigs, a few weeks ago. Title from Gord Downie's song of the same name.

there's a cruel crumpling sound from over yonder by the steeplechase
it's a sound of coming down like horses slamming on
the brakes it's the sound of a crowd, of an equine crowd

Rob slides into the chair opposite Thomas, and the younger man just raises his eyebrows, puts the cheap plastic fork down for a second.

“Don't think you get to sit with the talent now, weatherman,” Thomas tells him, but cracks into a smile near the end anyway.

“How do you go so long without eating?” Rob asks, eying Thomas' food and grabbing for the plate.

“What, you mean three hours?”

“Yeah. Three whole hours.” Rob stretches out his hand, and Thomas hands over the fork without much pause. If he doesn't, Rob is apt to start eating his stir-fry with his hands.

“You look like a human, you've developed human speech, you don't smell, and yet I find myself wondering what in the hell you are.”

“That's so mean,” Rob objects around a mouthful of food. “I just have a - “

“High metabolism, I know,” Thomas finishes for him. “Back to weather tomorrow?”

“Yep. I'm glad, too much pressure.”

“You're good at it though, I'm sure people are looking over their shoulders now. Even I'm a little nervous.”

Rob makes a face at him and shakes his head.

“I could never do it. Once in a while is fine, but I'd pass if they wanted me all the time,” He stops and thinks for a second, then nods. “I'd definitely recommend you though, if they wanted me in the big chair full time.”

“Well, you've come a long way,” Thomas tells him, half-smiling when he remembers meeting Rob for the first time. Rob rolls his eyes, remembering as well, and regretting it as usual.

“You never told me you weren't an intern, it's not my fault,” Rob defends himself a little meekly, putting the fork down with food left, somewhat of a rarity.

“You could have asked.”

“You looked young! And you didn't argue when I asked for coffee, you got it for a week!”

“I know,” Thomas grins at him, as much at fault as Rob was. “It was funny.”

“It was humiliating. I wondered why you were in a suit on a Saturday morning.”

Thomas leans back and laughs while Rob hunches forward, smiling but not as amused.

“I felt bad for a bit, was a nice way to get to know you,” Thomas admits. “And now you always have to pay for Starbucks.”

“You conned me into that one, Roberts.”

“I did,” Thomas flashes that grin again and stretches his palm across the table. “Pay up, I'm back to work soon.”

“Alright,” Rob grumbles, digging out his wallet and giving Thomas a folded twenty, leaving his fingers there for just a bit longer than necessary and drops his voice. “Coming over tonight?”

Thomas' eyebrows shoot up before he gets a chance to respond. He snatches the twenty and fights for his bearings.

“Three nights in a row, are you sure?”

Rob just shrugs and puts away his wallet, pushing the chair back and getting up.

“You don't have to.”

“You make it sound like a chore,” Thomas laughs a little, rising as well. “I'll think about it.”


“Yep,” Thomas assures him while they walk together a little while, just towards the doors where they pause. “You gonna be at weather for the rest of the day?”

“I think so. Get me that caramel thing with the shots.”

“I know.”

They both just sort of stand there for a few seconds, Rob's hands dug into his pockets, eyes out the door. Thomas is sort of squinting over Rob's shoulder, clutching at the money in his hand.

“Alright,” Thomas speaks first, diving for eye contact. “I'm gonna go.”

“Yeah, I'll get back to my natural habitat,” Rob looks up for a bit, enjoying Thomas' smile and feeling a little compelled to grab his arm before he leaves. He just continues smiling at Rob, doesn't let a thing throw him.

“Delivery will be by in a few minutes, weatherman.”

Rob nods and watches him walk away. Minutes later, when he's safely back at his desk and the coffee comes, Thomas just delivers it with that smile and a bonus sandwich. There's idle chatter for a few minutes more. When he leaves, Thomas says he'll see him tonight, and Rob beams into the lid of his caramel-thing, wondering when that started.

fandom:cnn, cnn:rob/thomas

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