
Nov 09, 2006 11:41

My mouth has teh hurpees.

There are few things about myself that bother me (aside from the scar tissue in my right breast) more than the fact that once every five years or so, I get a cold sore. If you weren't lucky enough to be born with the virus (like me) or *gasp* contracted it from some other lucky person- DON'T GET IT.

It hurts like a blister, itches like hell, it's ugly and there's no way to cover it. There's such a stigma attached to them as well. For example, when I see another person with a cold sore, I don't think "Aw, that poor person. I've been in that position." I think, "Ew, gross." :(

I have to give tours today at the theatre...what am I going to do? (Besides the 3,000mg of Lysine, 1,500mg of vitamin C, and 2200mg of Echinacea daily plus alternating lysine and peppermint oil ointments. *knock on wood* It actually does look a bit better after three days of that, though.)

Anywho, I woke up this morning to discover that it had rained MORE last night. Until yesterday it had rained straight (day and night) since last Thursday. I am so fucking sick of fucking rain. (Have you ever tried to smoke in a "smoke-free state" when it won't stop raining?) However, I'm sure Seattle's neighbors are MORE sick of the they flooded out a couple days ago.

Anywho, I'm off to get ready for work. Ah! I don't want to see anyone today!!
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