c is for cookie, and that's good enough for me.

Feb 22, 2005 02:18

Heh. I’m such a dork. Some guy just walked in and ordered a pack of p-lights (meaning parliament lights), and I gave him an unrequested mini-lecture on pelites, which are mud-based metamorphic rocks. No, you probably don’t care either.

Oh well.

i don't really want to talk about my weekend yet; i'm holding out for when it makes more sense, and the dust settles a bit. at the moment, it's still in the stage where one finds liquor bottles in the yard, has some idea as to how they got there, and isn't really sure of the details. we've all been there, right?

what i did want to say is that i had a number of interesting reflections today on being in my mid-20s and struggling to figure out what i want or need to be doing. mostly, i wanted to express gratitude at having this opportunity to try things out. a family friend whom i was helping move today told me that it was only the fortunate few who know what they want from an early age (such as her younger son, who knew from age 10 or so that he wanted to program computers, and who's both rich and semi-famous as a result of his work with the Halo series of games), and that made me think for a while. ultimately, i disagreed. while i think there must be a very satisfying simplicity to knowing what you want from an early age, and then being able to do it, i feel like there has to be some sense of disappointment to it, as well. i think that having the type of mind that allows one to make that sort of decision so early may allow for a clarity and certitude that my mind doesn't do very well- but i know that if i were to have settled upon a career without having done other things first, i would question it at some point down the road- probably not even that far down the road, given my dedication to chaos.

so, where i'm going with that is that i'm glad for this chance to flail around for a while. it helps to have the luxury of an economic and emotional safety net, although i could do without it at this point, but i'm satisfied that this is giving me the chance to explore some things that i wouldn't have thought to do previously.
this whole writing thing, for instance, is really magical to me. for now. i mean, most 'serious' writers describe writing ad copy as a necessary step into their own personal hell on their way to writing the great american autobiographical novel, but i've never thought of myself as a 'serious' writer. i'm not writing any novels- i've never felt compelled to, even though i enjoy telling (and generating, *cough) stories- but i have to admit that i really like the creative process of writing ad copy, and the mandatory hyperbolic positivity doesn't hurt anything either. also, it's really nice to write something that won't be ripped to shreds over the use of, say, adjectives.

while all may not be right with the world, i feel pretty fortunate to be alive today. and not just because of the events of this weekend, although they may have helped a little bit.
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