Aug 25, 2005 10:43
So the company I’ve been contracting at for over a year now (and contracting is going to be the subject of a very long post Real Soon Now) has committed to buy one product line from another company. This includes 15 engineers, some where between 85-100 SUN sparc 4 machines, a huge collection bugs from a custom written issue tracking system (like bugzilla) and a depot from perforce (I don’t have the energy to explain that at the moment). We have an integration date of Sept. 19th. We have people sitting 3 to a cube right now, and our ‘server room’ has neither the footprint nor the power for even like 5 more machines let alone sparc 4 (which can look like a 2U desktop or a minibar - and I have no idea which they are).
So they (the new engineers *must* be working at and for my company by the 19th of next month. We won’t be moving into our new building (the old Broadcom) building until like the 1st of October. You see the problems?
There are many other factors but NDA disallows much of what I can talk about. I can even agree with an NDA when very high numbers in the 7 digit range ...
Technically speaking the real challenge is grabbing their source code from their perforce server, and their bugs from their custom thing. Oh that’s my responsibility to manage.