Jan 04, 2008 02:30
Heh, happy new year a little late, everyone. Got distracted by the antics of a drunken echidna--who needs to learn his limits; poor guy was sick as a dog the next day--then the kid me's new addiction made me wanna break out the old Elite Beat Agents games. The Grateful Dead level in the second game is still awesome~ Y'know, I never tried to play this level high... I'd probably fail the mission before best part, tho'. But that's what Replay Saves are for! =D
Man, so many tall buildings around... I just wanna run down one like old times, but it'd probably give Jet an' Red heart attacks if I did it so I'll have to wait until they're not looking~ =D.
I just can't seem to sit still anymore. Why couldn't I have been this way in the summer, when there wasn't ice and slush and snow everywhere? Trying to run in that crap sucks, and I'm finally somewhere warm! To take a little late run or stay where it's warm; that is the question...