Jan 24, 2010 21:31
Last Sunday: Work.
Monday: I hung out with Mike I think.
Tuesday: Mike and I went ice skating later in the day. It was a lot of fun, but tiring. I pulled some muscles and got some bruises. Afterwords we went out to eat at SnS. It was delicious. As we were leaving this lady is just laying on the ground. The employees were around her and a ambulance came. Crazy. Picked up my sister and came home.
Wednesday: School. Not bad.
Thursday: Did nothing.
Friday: Worked. Mike came over after and we watch Zombieland. It wasn't bad.
Saturday: Worked. Plans fell through. Mike ended up coming over. I was his designated driver. We went back to his house to pick up his stuff. I saw Mike's dad in his underwear...omg. We watched tv and played Trouble. I made pancakes in the morning.
Today: Worked again. I got to go home early. THANK GOD.
Ugh..I have 27 hours next week.
Monday: School
Tuesday: Work from 2-9.
Wednesday: School
Thursday-Sunday work. I might just kill myself.