God I'm bored! Sitting at work and just wishing I was home. I really have to get myself some really good book to read to pass the time here. I'm worried about our Night Visions tickets. Niina bought them on Friday, but there is still some uncertainty about when the tickets should be changed to the actual tickets that match the exact movies, so now I'm worried that we don't get the right tickets and have to go see some films that we don't want to see. I'm probably driving Niina crazy with my constant calls about the tickets, but I really want to see Jan Svankmajer's new film, not some anime-flick.
Laura is trying to convince me to go to some family christmas party with her in the end of next month. I'm not quite sure do I want to go. Her family is very nice, but in small doses. Just the thought of a house full of not only her family but relatives too makes my head hurt. I mean, for god sakes,I don't even like to meet my own relatives!
because this post was so boring, here's something to cheer you up: