Thanks God i'm not late for knowing this news. So Larc will release their new single on Jan 27th ^_^ the tittle is BLESS (yeah, hyde, i'll bless the day when i get that single). This song will be the theme song for Olympic NHK.
Hmm now i wonder will it be hyde's early b'day party?:) or is it for Yasu b'day party? since his b'day is at Jan 27th, hehe
Anyway, this is their latest pic (thx to
aalenchan )
Awww....with the satin jackets^^ I like them like that. Sometimes hyde wore clothes that made me frowned, hehe. But as long as he showing a lot of skin there i don't mind what kind of clothes he's wearing, ahahaha!
Btw, it's a bit hard not to notice, hyde is showing his aging (finally!) which is fine. Coz if he always looks young and flawless i started to doubt that he's a human afterall. Well, actually i never think he's a human, i always think he's a creature from heaven that God decided to give to earth as a gift, so..yeah, you get what i mean :P
Actually they all look at their age, 40-something. But i can't see it clearly in ken, and tetsu is beautiful as always^_^
Oh, and do you know that tetsu now use the name tetsuya for his solo project? it reminds me to this little story of mine; see, i chose 69 as my cell phone number because tetsu used tetsu69 for his solo project. Just when i got that number, he changed to just "tetsu" &^%$#@! Now people thinking i'm a pervert for using 69. and i have no defense since my only proof a.k.a tetsu, has already changed his solo project name. Thanks a lot tetchan.
But you know what, i think they are lovely and wonderful especially in those satin jackets^^ LUV LUV YA Larc guys!*smooch*^o^
EDIT: I've just heard the preview of the song for some seconds only and this is what i think; the moment i heard hyde's voice i just agreed with the song title coz "bless" was truly the best word to describe what that song built in my heart. It gave me the presence of feeling bless. It's beautiful -->i mean how Larc could composed such song which renders the feeling of bless. And i don't think it will work beautifully if it's not hyde's voice who sings it. Hyde can just...make a bless, blessing. ^^