Genderswap! Like, OMG!
Ten ficlets, mainly genderswapped Sulu/Kirk and Sulu/Chekov, and noted before each is the song I was listening to when I started to write that particular ficlet. Because I'm just. That. Awesome.
FB is much appreciated, and if anyone has any links to girl!Sulu fics, please leave in comments. This is for scientific purposes.
::shifty eyes::
Dancing About Architecture
vinniebatmanFandom: ST:XI
Pairing: Girl!Sulu/Girl!Chekov, Girl!Sulu/Girl!Kirk, mention of other slash and het pairings
Rating: Soft core NC-17
Notes/Warnings: Genderswap of more than one crew-member, mentions of minor character death, mentions of violence. Spoilers for TOS S1, Ep4 The Naked Time. Also, please note that wherever “Mr.” is used, it is on purpose and part of the 'verse.
Summary: Written for
book_addict43's prompt, communicating in real words is difficult. So is communicating in the written word. Go figure.
Dancing About Architecture, parts I and II Cross-posted, and also posted in my
DW in one hot glurt. Mmm . . . genderswap glurt. . . .