Title: Taste of Cherry Chapstick
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Chekova/Sulu (one-sided), Chekova/Gaila, Chekova/McCoy, Chekova+Uhura friendship, Chekova+Spock friendship - all featuring girl!Chekov
Word Count: ~6000
Prompt: From
st_xi_kink_meme: I want to see what the crew thinks about Polina Chekov and her sumptuous, plump, pink lips.
Warnings: Underage sex (sixteen years old), one scene of explicit femslash
Kinks: Genderbend, fluff, daddy play, a bit of a Lolita kink
Summary: Six people and their interactions with Polina Andreiyevna Chekova - and especially with her lips.
Disclaimer: All recognizable characters and places belong to their logical and respective owners. I make no profit from this.
Author's Note: So, this took me forever to write. And I totally strayed from that prompt hardcore, for which I apologize. But I do get mentions of her lips in there in every section!
Taste of Cherry Chapstick