Need help finding two K/S fics

Mar 03, 2017 15:55

1. Winona had killed Kodos and was in prison. Spock gets in contact with her. He wanted to learn about Kirk's past because he wanted to date Kirk. At one point Kirk and Spock are having dinner and when Spock makes a move on Kirk is hits him over the head. Spock wakes up in Sickbay.

2. This happens after Vulcan is destroyed. Bones and Galia are engaged. I believe that Spock and Kirk are bonded. Spock sends a note from the Vulcan embassy that he is going to end their bond. He wants to help rebuild Vulcan. Sarek and Old Spock try to change his mind. Jim is packing up their apartment because he is going on a 5 year mission. He puts all of the memento from his relationship with Spock in a b ox. Sarek comes to talk to Jim and he takes the box to Spock.

theme:kirk'spast, universe:reboot, character:kirkprime, character:sarek, theme:bonding, pairing:kirk/spock, character:winona, theme:rape, character:mccoy, character:spockprime, character:jimkirk, theme:tarsusiv, theme:characterdeath, character:gaila, theme:break-up

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