Kirk/Spock - Kissing fic. Help please!

Dec 03, 2012 19:14

First post! Hope it's okay.

So this fic is about kissing. Kirk asks Spock about kissing on the mouth as he witnessed Uhura and Spock kissing that way and Spock replies that it's not a kiss but a Vulcan gesture of kinship. Of course, Kirk decides that he and Spock should meet mouths in this way as a sign of their friendship, and with each subsequent 'kiss', it gets hotter and heavier. Spock eventually admits that they have actually been kissing, rather than completing the Vulcan gesture.

Please say that this sounds familiar to someone! I'm so sure that I found it on a K/S reclist, so I know it must be fairly well known. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you! 

pairing:kirk/spock, theme:kissing, character:spock, character:jimkirk, !found

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