FOUND a New!Trek K/S, again ... sigh ...

Apr 29, 2010 23:10

Really quickly, because I am falling asleep at my keyboard (curse you, transfer logs!), the story goes: Spock is in a relationship with Uhura, to start with, and being Spock, has a dry inner monologue about everything. Including the fact that his sexual relationship with Uhura is deeply dissatisfying, but NO, no it DOES NOT have anything to do with that time he was 7 years old and saw his parents having sex, no, not at all. Or rather, Spock puts it something like, "the memory of my mother being savaged during the Pon Farr ... the sounds ... which are totally dissimilar ... should not be so disquieting ... ", or, you know, equally dry scientific phrases to that effect. Yeah.

Anyway, Spock and Uhura go their separate ways, and Spock [somehow, eventually] ends up in bed with Kirk. Cue Kirk being the best top ever, and getting Spock to [finally] enjoy sex. In the end Spock ends up being really, really vocal, which kind of ties back into the point being that hearing/seeing his parents have sex scared the bejeezus out of him.

Does this story exist, or am I going to have to post this as a request in the comms? Is my mind really this bad? Any help appreciated, and thanks ever so kindly for your concern.FOUND. The Five Times Spock was Quiet during Sex and the One Time He was Rather Loud, by freaky_anomaly . BIG THANK YOU goes to bigmamag !

universe:reboot, theme:bottom!spock, pairing:spock/uhura, pairing:kirk/spock

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