Apr 03, 2010 19:37
Trying not to get tangled in the tendrils of dreams, reoccurring ones becoming insistent. I'm fearful of staying still too long lest my mind wander back, idle hands being the devil's playground as they used to say.
Not growing, nor developing, stagnating in identity; and guessing it's going to come down to a number of things, and they have to, need to be unpleasant.
I think it's the struggle that gives things real meaning, I've heard any old emotion will work, but I think that's like making a roux with only water.
On the flip side of the token there is the development of action through emotion/thought, intention.
a thing loses or gains significance by the amount given, I think some of the most honest things one can do lack intention, lack forethought or emotion, gaining purity regardless of it's outcome.
The loss of significance is even more so when done by rote, honed by repetition and it truly shines off it's insincerity, the hollow and fake properties really bring out the hypocrisy of the thing.