May 17, 2012 02:09
救命 - 倪安東
The Rescue - Anthony Neely
是誰為追逐留不住的流星 寧願害自己 跌進 黑暗的井
In order to chase meteors that couldn't be retained, who was it that would rather cause himself to fall into a dark well?
是誰為愛人看不開的背影 矇上自己 眼睛
Who was it that blinded himself for the sake of the sight of someone's back that his lover couldn't let go of?
等到夢逼你賣命 等到愛向你要命
When you wait until dreams force you to work yourself to exhaustion, when you wait until love takes your life
呼吸變困難 心跳聲變火警 才發現有病
Breathing becomes difficult, the sound of your heartbeat becomes a fire alarm, just then will you realize you have an illness
最後 誰來救救你的性命
In the end, who will come to save your life?
你嘆息 誰會聽見你的聲音
You sigh with regret, who will be able to hear your voice?
醒一醒 你最好放過自己
Come back into consciousness, you better let yourself off
趁雙腳還有力氣 yeah 快逃出這可怕地獄
Take advantage of the strength you still have in your legs, yeah, escape quickly from this frightful hell
既然天都不同情我們遭遇 我們才不肯 輕易 聽天由命
Since the heavens do not sympathize with our unfortunate experiences, we will refuse to easily give into fate
從惡夢驚醒從來只靠自己 頑強天性 逃命
When we are startled awake by our nightmares, we can only ever rely on ourselves and our tenacious instincts to run for our lives
等到夢逼你賣命 等到愛向你要命
When you wait until dreams force you to work yourself to exhaustion, when you wait until love takes your life
呼吸變困難 心跳聲變火警 才發現有病
Breathing becomes difficult, the sound of your heartbeat becomes a fire alarm, just then will you realize you have an illness
最後 誰來救救你的性命
In the end, who will come to save your life?
你嘆息 誰會聽見你的聲音
You sigh with regret, who will be able to hear your voice?
醒一醒 你最好放過自己
Come back into consciousness, you better let yourself off
趁雙腳還有力氣 yeah 快逃出這可怕地獄
Take advantage of the strength you still have in your legs, yeah, escape quickly from this frightful hell
穿越沼澤 路過陰鬱森林
Crossing through swamps, passing by gloomy forests
你呵護捧著 你的心
You carry your heart protectively and with care
心開了 柳暗花明
Your heart has restarted, one door has closed but another as opened
回頭看遙遠烏雲 觸目驚心
Looking back, you see distant dark clouds that are startling and conspicious
最後 誰來救救你的性命
In the end, who will come to save your life?
你嘆息 誰會聽見你的聲音
You sigh with regret, who will be able to hear your voice?
醒一醒 你最好放過自己
Come back into consciousness, you better let yourself off
勝過跟誰叫救命 yeah
It beats calling out to someone for help, yeah
Who is worth so much of your effort and desperation?
神經病 病到最後差點送命
You're crazy, you were so ill that you almost lost your life
醒一醒 你最好放過自己
Come into consciousness, you better let go of yourself
趁雙腳還有力氣 yeah 快逃出這可怕地獄
Escape from this frightful hell, yeah, while there is still strength left in your legs