Mar 16, 2004 19:13
( WHAT )
-;- is your first name? stephanie
-;- are your nickname(s)? steph, stephernie, squishy, bubble butt, fanny, cootie girl, ect.
-;- are you currently wearing? superman pants and a t-shirt
-;- jewelry are you currently wearing? earrings, bracelet, rings
-;- is on your computer desk? my computer n other crap
-;- is the color walls of your room? purple
-;- is currently on your desktop? tidal wave
-;- is your favorite subject? art
-;- is your favorite food? italian
-;- beverage? gatorade n snapple
-;- is currently in your cd player? my mix
-;- was the last website you went to? livejournal
-;- did you last eat? chicken
-;- drink? water
-;- listen to? yellowcard
-;- write? uhh, dont member
-;- turn on? the compu
-;- turn off? the light
-;- read? the computer screen
-;- watch? computer screen
-;- fix? computer
-;- purchase? lunch
-;- say outloud? "im kidding"
-;- think about? peter <3
-;- crave? :o) peter!
-;- talk about? this survey
-;- makes you happy? peter!
-;- sad? no peter
-;- depressed? the old guy that was walkin down the street in the snow today :o(
-;- tired? waht?
-;- do you do for excercise? fight with peter, run, beat ppl up, you know the deal
-;- is your most common overused phrase online? "haha"
-;- movie did you last watch? uhhh, anger management
-;- was the last thing you over reacted about? when peter slapped me
-;- obsessed about? peter
-;- spazzed about? feet
-;- was the last creative thing you did/made? the painting thats over peters :o/
-;- played? fought with peter, so wrestling
-;- raved about? whaaat?
-;- ranted about? the snow
-;- was the last thing of that you put in a picture frame? a picture
-;- program you clicked? internet explorer
-;- shampoo you use? v05 peaches and creme :o)
-;- conditioner? ^^
-;- way are you wearing your hair? messy unbrushed bun
-;- mood are you in now? hmm...layin back
-;- was the last candy you ate? no idea
-;- is your favorite ice cream flavor? strawberry
-;- was the last song you listened to? breathing * yellowcard
-;- was the last channel you watched? dunno
-;- was the last thing you succeded in/at? student of the month for art
-;- failed in/at? math quiz
-;- do you do to relax? talk to peter
-;- do you turn to when your bored? food
-;- is your favorite item of clothing from your wardrobe? lt blue jeans n black pants
-;- accessorie? my earrings n purses
-;- cd? my mixes
-;- music artist? a lot lol
-;- tv program? seinfield
-;- recent movie? its gunna be secret window :o)
-;- older movie? nightmare b4 xmas and a leauge of their own
-;- time of the day do you usually shower? night
-;- time do you go to bed at night? late lol
-;- wake up for school/work? 6.30
-;- color are your nails/toenails currently? ehh, nada
-;- did you last put away? dishes
-;- throw away? dinner leftovers
-;- thing you spent a lot of money on? my car, but that was a while ago
-;- big event you attended? ring dance
-;- is on the floor of your room? everything i own
-;- are you up to on the weekends? hangin with my baby and workin
-;- was the last joke you made? prolly a stupid one haha
-;- negative comment made? something toward peter :o)
-;- are you known for? peter said my butt haha
-;- was the last name you were called? cootie girl
-;- did you last eat out? wendys
-;- drive to? my house
-;- shop? kohls
-;- do you turn to when your stressed out? peter
-;- where you born? bridgeport
-;- do you go to school? shs
-;- work? paradise pizza
-;- do you first go when you go to the mall? hot topic usually, unless i have a reason for going
-;- are you when your having fun? "in peters arms" - peter
-;- are you on the weekends? work and with peter, vicki, brendan, and others
-;- are you when you get a slice of free time? with my hommies
-;- was the last place you took a vacation to? idea
( HOW )
-;- many times a day do you brush your teeth? 2 or 3
-;- apply deoderant? depends
-;- often do you shower? either every day or every other day
-;- are you feeling right now? annoyed haha jk! hyyper!
-;- is the weather out? FUCKIN OUTRAGEOUS! i HATEEEEEEE the SNOWWWW!
-;- do you approach a hott guy? by sayin. hey peter ;o)
-;- do you come off when you like someone? shy, playful
-;- many people are in your house? 5
-;- many people are you talking to on im? 0
-;- messy is your room? messy
-;- many glasses of water do you drink a day? a lot
-;- often do you cry? only sometimes
-;- often do you paint your nails? rarely
-;- many hours of tv do you watch per week? not a lot
-;- go to the mall? i dont go a lot really
-;- see a movie? a few times, if somethin good is playin well go
-;- rent a movie? rarely
-;- have long night conversations on the phone? a lot lol
-;- many times a year do you go on vacation?hardly ever if not none
-;- have you traveled by plane? once
-;- been to another continent? never
-;- old were you when you learned to ride your bike? young
-;- tie your shoe? young
( WHO )
-;- who is your best friend(s)? cootie boy, boss lady, b*man
-;- do you trust the most? peter
-;- the craziest? vickiiii
-;- funniest? brendan
-;- quietest? melanie
-;- most intelligent? uhh
-;- sheltered? what??
-;- goes by the rules? none
-;- weirdest? all of them have their moments
-;- wackiest? uhh
-;- stupidist? hahaha peter :oP
-;- do you have the most fun with? all of em
-;- who last asked you out? peter of course
-;- last dumped by? haha fun night
-;- kissed by? peter
-;- hugged? peter
-;- said i love you to? peter
-;- were you last angry with? mom n dad
-;- was your last/current crush? peter
-;- did you last tell off? uhh i dunno
-;- did you last im? brendan
-;- call? peter
-;- say "hi" to? melanie
-;- did you last compliment? peter
-;- is your favorite band? uhh, i got lots
-;- singer? eminem <3
-;- is your idol? dont got one
-;- called you last? peter
-;- did you last email? prolly vicki
-;- receive and email from? junk mail
-;- who/what did you last cry about? umm, parental problems
-;- who did you last yell at? mom
-;- laugh with? melanie
-;- make a joke about? peter
-;- did you last lie to? uhhh i dunno
-;- was the last person in your mind? peterr
-;- can you trust with your whole life? peetteeer
-;- will go out of their way just to do something you ask? peter hahaha all these are the same lmao
-;- was your 3rd grade teacher? mrs. odonnell
-;- 5th? mrs coleman mr gray
-;- 8th? beautibor, llodra, ferland, icabellos, and i dont member the rest
-;- was your first best friend? that i can remember, carlie, rachel, ashley, erika, joanne, then vicki came into play haha
-;- did you last have a dream about? haha that my dog ran away :o(
-;- did u last cuss at? prolly peter
( WHEN )
-;- did you wake up today? 6.30
-;- was the last time you showered? like an hour ago
-;- brushed your teeth? this mornin
-;- combed your hair? yesterday haha
-;- listened to music? now
-;- took a nap? a while a go
-;- watched a good tv program? yesterday
-;- went on a walk? dunno
-;- yell? today
-;- compliment someone? a few min ago
-;- give someone a hug? today
-;- scream? today
-;- speak in a different language? yesterday
-;- read a book? hahahaha
-;- magazine? yesterday
-;- went shopping? saturday
-;- cried? yesterday
-;- cried of happiness? hmmmmm last week?
-;- was the last time you accomplished something? yesterday
-;- made a good grade? today
-;- called someone? today
-;- ran? today
-;- stretch? yesterday
-;- pig out? dunno
-;- make something? today
-;- go to a new website? today
-;- talk to your crush/boyfriend/girlfriend? today
-;- was the last time someone asked you out? august
-;- turned you down? dunno
-;- kissed you? today
-;- were you last given a complient? today :o)
-;- greeeted? dont know
-;- pet an animal? today
-;- dissed someone? today
-;- bought something you didnt need? this weekend lmao
-;- took a picture? today
-;- went swimming? over the summer
-;- had a big meal? today
-;- went over to someone's house? today
-;- truly said "i love you"? today! wo0t i got a lot done today!!
-;- told someone off? dun member
-;- made a fool out of yourself? probably today
-;- tripped? dunno
-;- studdered? today
-;- sang in the shower? today
-;- eat something sweet? today
-;- burp? today
-;- sneeze? yesterday
( ARE? )
-;- you caring? i can be
-;- optimistic? ehh
-;- negative? yea
-;- depressed? not currently
-;- angry? yea
-;- in shitty moods? yea
-;- peaceful? sometimes
-;- athletic? yea
-;- original? yes
-;- unique? yea
-;- pro-active? at times
-;- funny? can be :o)
-;- intelligent? i guess
-;- dumb? yea haha
-;- retarded? no actaully
-;- silly? yes
-;- annoying to others? dont really carre
-;- whiny? yea
-;- insecure? yea
-;- mature? most of the time
-;- wise? yes
-;- happy? sometimes
-;- sensitive? yea
-;- independent? yes
-;- lonely? sometimes
-;- friendly? when i want to be
-;- attractive to others? i guess
-;- talkative? yeaa
-;- shy? yes
-;- sheltered? sometimes
-;- sweet? sure
-;- artistic? o0h yea
-;- creative? yesm
-;- open minded? sometimes
-;- close minded? sometimes
-;- daring? yea
-;- weird? yes
-;- different? yes
-;- ambitious? yes
( DO.. )
-;- do you cry more of happiness or sadness? sadness
-;- love yourself? ehh kinda
-;- have good friendships? yes the FEWER the TRUER i totally understand that quote now
-;- believe in yourself? sometimes
-;- like someone right now? yes ;o)
-;- go after your goals and dreams? yes
-;- like your life? ehh more or less
-;- have a lot of little friends or a few close ones? few close ones
-;- believe music is life? yes
-;- think your smart? yes
-;- a good person? depends
-;- you think if you were someone else would you be friends with yourself? and be attracted to you? lmao whaaaaat?
what did you think of this survey? lo0ng