Sep 24, 2006 00:38
The Alexisonfire concert was goood, and Red Hot Chili Pepper concert was amazing!
Friday sucked.
Math was alright because Mr.Baker was like like "LETS EXPLORE FUTURE CAREERS!" so we spent the better half of the class on the computers in the math lab doing those surverys on those sites that match you up with possible career opportunities for you.
Bio was freakin gay. I had no idea we had this huge quiz, it was like 5 pages long and I failed it miserably seeing as I didn't understand like a word on it besides guinea pig. It was a day after a test that I also didn't do, and can't make up for. So yes I fucked myself over in biology. I'm Dumb.
I was pissed off in English because I had spent pretty much the entire night prior to friday typing up the shit for my alphabetical biography and the piece of shit computers at Neelin refuse to open my saved work. And I got my 4th choice of of 5 for the books to do for novel study. I hate reading books for english class, I hate people choosing the books I read. And especially this was pretty much the least one I wanted to do. So I left class like 20 minutes early and sat in the canteen with kristin.
Plus Brie and Corey both weren't there and I could almost care less for any body else in that school.
And I felt like a complete asshole because Mady walked all the way to school in the freakin cold weather to come visit me and I only got to see her for like 10 minutes because my moms an asshole as well. Not like I'm terribly hurt because I didn't spend much time with Mady when she did live in Brandon and from the moment she arrived she didn't stop talking about nothing at all, or stuff she continuously rambles on about when I actually pick up the phone when she calls me. You'd think she would get the clue of maybe the forced "Mhmms" or "yea, I understand" that she talks to much or im barely listening...
And being in my somewhat pissy mood, my mom decides to drag me around town to pay her bills before taking me home.
Im sitting in the car in the hydro parking lot and this lady comes up to my car in a total BITCH MODE and shes like "YOUR GOING TO HAVE TO MOVE THIS CAR, THIS IS MY PARKING SPACE", I was like "Im sorry, I can't move it, I don't have my liscense. My moms just in the building paying the bill, She will be right out." So she whips out her cellphone and stomps off..I continue to read my book and she comes back like pretty much inside my car through the window and shes like "You say your mom is in the building? Theres noone in there. Im calling a fucking tow truck" I was like "calm down lady she will be right out and we will move" so she stomps off again and like 2 minutes later she stomps back up to the car and throws this piece of paper at me that says "THIS IS PRIVATE PARKING. TOWING IS ON THE WAY." Its lady I understand..You've just blantantly yelled this at me for the last 5 minutes..I don't need it in writing. So I sit patiently waiting in the car wondering if my mom or the tow truck will get to me first. Thankfully my mom arrives...but without the lady chasing her down the parking lot bitching at mom told her to fuck off and we left. There was no signs around that said anything about private parking or employee parking. The lady needed to take a chill pill.
So then I worked..was all super busy so it went by decently fast and I was in a somewhat good mood at work. After work Marshall, Allan, Matt and I attempted to get a giant tiger cart out of this valley/water thing by 26th sev, but no dice. They got it out today tho. And of course Marshall like confessed his love for me on the way home. Talk about Akward..but yea he was all saying it was hard for him to say the things he said, and doesn't understand why he likes me. But yea he knows Im loyal to trevon and love trevon and has no intentions or anything. But yea like whatever I don't understand why he even likes me. I don't even understand how trevon loves me. But I know hes does and I love Trevon muchly too..but not seeing him or talking to him much sucks ass.
I worked today too 10-6 and I was like in a wonderful mood all day. Starting from like 10 am. The day was even busier then friday. Probably liek the busiest I've ever seen it. trev picked me up for lunch and took me to Perfect Pita so i could eat something. After work I walked home, and my next door neighbour was outside in her garden and was all like "I haven't seen you in a while I thought you might of went off to school" Im like "Im only in grade 12" like fuck lady quit stalking me and being so snoopy. Nosy Rosy..always watching out her window. Mind your own business and I will mind mine. Then I walked back to giant tiger to buy some baking ingredients. I waited around for Chantelle to get off work at 7, and Sean drove his mom to Giant Tiger so of course he saw me sitting outside and parked his truck and came running/hobbling to talk to me. He apparently broke his toe or something today. I could of hung out with him tonight but Im grounded. I have to bitch about that..but I will after. Walked home with Chantelle and then i made some of the peanut butter marshmellow squares. They turned out really good for something I've never made before. I'm not eatting them tho, because once I make the effort to actually cook/bake something I never want to eat it. Plus I don't need all those extra calories anyways. They will be devored by my family anyways. My mom already had 2. Then Seeing as my bauchy is in Edmonton and trevons off at work land because thats what he does I had nothing to do so I cranked some music up, and Did the dishes, power cleaned the kitchen, including washing the walls and dusting the ceiling fan. Ya Im that cool. Weekends are lame.
I work tomorrow..I had plans with trevon for afterwork but he works now so those plans have been demolished. Plus Im grounded anyways..apparently till october.5th? Like wtf is that. Brie and Corey say I always get grounded for no reason but get out of my groundings really quickly. I guess my mom heard them saying this or something haha because shes not giving up that easy this time..Im not even allowed to go with my sister anywhere. I told her tonight that she grounded me for no reason and its just because I didn't call and then she pulls this shit out her ass about the reason Im grounded was because we totally lied about the whole trip..I was like..WTF??? no we didn't. You had no problem with this on tuesday and didn;'t ground me till wednesday after being immature and hanging up on me 4 times. Fuck women. pisses me off sometimes.
Wow im just a giant bag of Teenage angst.
I want to drop Bio..And move my english to like second period. But first thing is then i wouldn't have brie or corey in my english class and second thing is that its too late to be swapping and moving classes. Rawr. Oh well fuck. I might end up dropping biology anyways unless I get my ass in gear but my mom will be like NOOOOO. But fuck. Im just going to fail anyways and I don't want a fail on my transcript.
I told them at work today that on the days of the week that I work they can start me at 2 oclock or 3 instead of 4:45. The only thing is I don;t want hour breaks because they just waste my time.
So I hafta renew my liscence. I figure I actually want to now. And get some driving lessons. Everything has to be left up to myself independantly because my parents are really good for nothing when it comes to some things. And start saving for a car..even if its a piece of shit or something if I EVER get my liscensce. in which I won;t but I can dream. But yea..i figure If Im ever living idependantly I don't want to have to rely on my feet all the time or the bus. But whattttever.
Christmas is like 3 months away. Yes Im mentioning christmas now because I want to. I am such a scrooge. I hate christmas uggh not the actual holiday..i love family shit sometimes and decorations and cooking and the spirit of the holiday. But I hate gifts. i wish we could just not have christmas presents this year? fucking christmas.
Corey I want you to be on msn =( even if I don't talk to you much on msn your there and thats where you should be.
Im bored.
I miss Trevon. I want a hug. Yesterday I told him were going on a date to see the musical grease in November.
Life is rawr.
Im emo =P
Oh yea and on friday there was a memorial for this guy that commited suicide during the summer and they gave us the option to go. I didn't go because multiple amounts of kids went to just miss class. None of them even knew who the guy was. Not even his name or face. I found that to be a bit disrespectful. So I stayed in math class and paid my respects somewhat as I could, not knowing the guy myself.