Oct 25, 2005 21:34
last nite went out 2 eat w/ my mum n her b/f at this sushi bar..and my moms b/f got entirely 2 drunk off of Sauki and made quite a scene..lol
Me and Alyssa packed r bags for camping and put on eskimo jackets n furry boots.
Went 2 Newport and drank a bit
Fell in a ditch full of water in the freezing cold and I about turned in 2 an iceicle
We all walked the fucking railroad tracks from New Port to Park avenue at 3 am..was HORRIBLE.
Pitched a tent in the woods
and we camped the fuck out.
I wanna go camping again... but this time there needs 2 b a bonfire fosho niggaz.
I <33333333 the cold sooooooooooooooo much! akjsbiuybrvbeg