Jan 27, 2005 15:57
I will never ever bring my laptop on campus AGAIN. It's been in my back pack all day and it's so heavy.
My class isn't until 4.30, and this is a very unproductive way to kill time.
I have no friends in my History, but it's okay, the teacher is really nice.
Turns out Thareesa AND Colleen are in my Psych Lec along with Bethal.
Now that's rather exciting, 3 friends in a class!
Saw Monica today too.
Haven't seen Jeremiah, Meg, or Emily.
These are my only friends here at Mason.
My day hasn't been exciting at all.
I just know I have a lot of reading and homework to do : (
I have to get my pay check from work. I want to rent "Good Will Hunting" I saw a part of it in Psych today.
I hope my pay check is a lot, I want to shop again : (
4 day weekend!!!