Sep 08, 2005 01:50
I am Completely and Utterly in love with Joshua Steven Elsholz.
Having my son has changed my outlook on so many things so drastically
,But I'm glad because its actually opened my eyes to alot.
Its made me realize whos important and whos not.
What should matter to me and what shouldnt.
And as for you anonymous "friends" of mine as youd like to call yourselves
Yes im human im not going to stop living because I had a baby. He was in good hands and he was away from me for one night. The rest of the time I was at Josh's he was there with me. Have your opinion thats all fine and dandy but just realize that nobodies life was ever picture perfect and since you think that I'm such a bad mother which I know im not...theres worse parents. I really wish that you could fathom the thought of how much I love this child. He means the world to me and I wake up everyday smiling and go on everyday because of him. Yes its hard but I wouldnt trade this baby for all the money in the world. So while your sitting there telling me how horrible of a mother I am take a few seconds and think because if i was such a horrible mother I wouldve gave him up or never even gave him the chance to live and as a matter of a fact if i was a horrible mother I wouldnt care and I wouldnt bother to post this entry. I don't want anyone thinking I'm a bad mom. Wether it be my worst enemy or not. I take care of this baby to the best of my human abilities and if you still beg to differ then I guess thats your own issue. Irreguardless my life shouldnt be in the top of your priorities.
Melissa Anne Peyerk-I love you babygirl and I'm here for you through the thick and thin..No matter what happens doll...Were gonna get through this and whatever comes from it..its going to make you a stronger person i promise..