*iz sad*

Jul 31, 2008 11:05

So I'm super excited for Saturday cause the 4th and final book in the Twilight series, Breaking Dawn, comes out. And I was also excited cause my friends and I were going to the local Barnes & Noble to go to the midnight release party, and also visit my english teacher who works there during the summer (she's working til 1 am tomorrow night!! O_O kudos to her). But now all the people we invited can't go and my best friend who was tagging along doesn't want to go now.

So now I don't have anyone to go with and I can't go because I don't have a drivers license, and it's past curfew anyway. *sigh* So you all see my dilemma.

I really wanna go to that release party dagnabbit!!!! :((( RAWR. lsdjhglihdgldfh

Oh and by the way, I go for my driver's test tomorrow(for the THIRD FREAKING TIME). I'd appreciate it if you guys would keep me in your thoughts/prayers that I finally pass this stupid tedious test. Dang parallel parking.

Thank you!! :)


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