(no subject)

May 22, 2013 11:26

I'm not dead, I was going to post twice but LJ was having problems

Let's see the doctors have installed a PICC line, a semi permanent IV in my arm, so I can get mega does of antibiotics, and they have already upped the dose once. The nurses have been polite enough not to say I'm to young and healthy for this crap, but I know they think it!

I'm bandaging my foot everyday and I must say it's not as pretty as it was before.

I'm on my third Taylor wallpaper I'm not sure why or where this sudden infatuation with her started, I've always liked her and I've always seen though her aww shucks I'm just a girl persona, don't kid your self she's a shark, anyway I don't know. I'll need to think about it.
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