Jul 30, 2004 21:21
JeNNiFeR x PoLk: thanks a lot, i swear if i didnt have friends...i would be like dead right now
surfnsk8r88: well no matter what ill always be ur freind
surfnsk8r88: ur the cooolest
JeNNiFeR x PoLk: no you are THE coolest ever
surfnsk8r88: no def. you
JeNNiFeR x PoLk: lol sike! you're too modest
surfnsk8r88: well i am pretty cool
JeNNiFeR x PoLk: if im the coolest than you are like the coolestEST
JeNNiFeR x PoLk: haha yup
surfnsk8r88: but not as kool as you
surfnsk8r88: lol
surfnsk8r88: see jen how couldsomone not love you
JeNNiFeR x PoLk: you can't top my coolness, unless of course your name happens to be jerry:-P
surfnsk8r88: u have the best personality ur so pretty and
surfnsk8r88: so yeah ur the coolest
surfnsk8r88: cooooooooolestestoooestest
JeNNiFeR x PoLk: haha you are so great you effin coolesterestestesterest times 3287347bajillion guy
surfnsk8r88: well ur like two times tht
surfnsk8r88: well im sorry but i have to go i love you so much and if u ever need to talk to someone and im ont online call me (( dont wanna give his # to a buncha random ppl : P )) ok
JeNNiFeR x PoLk: ok i definitely will ttyl i love you times infiniti bajillion buh bye
surfnsk8r88: well g2g l8tr g8tr
surfnsk8r88 signed off at 9:21:04 PM.