Sep 20, 2006 19:51
I heart Indian teachers. Not the native ones here, the ones from INDIA. Because I like their accents, my weird personal behavior class is taught by her, and she is sweet. I ate way too much today. My roommate got an email saying how our anthropology and pysiology is a standard fail class and most people get D, F, or W. haha. NOT LOOKING FORWARD TO THAT TOMORROW. Especially since I'm not in it yet and have to get an ADD/DROP slip filed out for it. All well. At least they warned us? =\
Living here is nice. I bought a flask with C today. matching BFFAE flasks to be exact. They are tiny and pink and funny.
Jp took care of me yesterday, let's hear it for the boy.
They are playing macho man in the soccer field below me and people are dancing. SWEET!!!!