You ever sit and just watch people? Today at work, i found myself compelled to just examine all the people walking into the store... and found the majority to be over weight middle aged women, with lots of facial hair. I did realize just how many ugly people there are out there, and I think it kind of makes more sense to me now why everybody idolizes beautiful people. I never really got it, I’m the kind of person who takes people as they are, by how they act, not by what they look like, and I do it mostly because I have low self esteem in my own appearance, and I wouldn’t want someone not likening me just because I’m ugly (I know I’m not ugly, but it was just for saying) But today, today was different. I sat there watching fat lady after fat lady loll into the store and you know what? it made me feel like fucking Cindy Crawford. Essentially my job today was to stand at my kiosk and look pretty, and greet one or 2 fat people every 15 minutes. I’m seriously going to bust my ass now, and work out more, so I don’t look like them when I’m 35 (oh god that’s only 15 years away!!!! IM OLD *tear*.) So, what is to become of the overwhelming obese nation? Here’s something I read, thought it was pretty informative.
Obese America