May 27, 2004 21:21
well its been a while... as usual...
but the BESTEST part is.... SCHOOL IS DONE!!! WOOOT WOOOOOT!! JUNIOR year, HERE WE COME!! lol riiiight... cant wait...
Well from today, its only 11 days till we LEAVE for EUROPE!! AHHHHHH OMG Its gonna be SOOOO great!!! lol People in my "group": My mom, Stotty's mom, me, Ally V, Lindsey G, Christina S, Miranda H, and Erica C!! Thinkin about those MANY MANY hours riding on the plane, and what kinda things will go on in the buses... man, i know I cant wait... hehehe CHORUS 10 COMMANDMENTS!! lol
Well i have done the typical summer things... laid out in the sun, shopping with my friends... more laying in the sun, and a LOT of sleeping... oh yea, and throw a little singing in there too... from about 1-3 everyday... ooo thats fun man! hehe
well... i dont know what it wrong with me... if you honestly care... you can ask... but i just wanna say im sorry to someone... i think you know who you are... if i DID do anything, im really sorry, just PLEASE talk to me again... i dont know what happened between us...
im sorry... :-(