May 03, 2007 12:59
1. I've come to realize that my last kiss...tasted like morning breath
2. I am listening to...the sounds of the ringing in my ears
3. I talk...when i feel it necessary
4. I love...whole heartedly
5. My friends...are the family i choose
6. My first real kiss...was in a galaxy far far away and a life time ago
7. The number seven is missing eloped with 42
8. Love...all, trust few, do wrong to none
9. Marriage parents
10. Somewhere, someone is's lunch time
11. I'll always....remember the past
12. I have a secret crush...???
13. The last time I cried was because....i was scared and overtired
14. My cell on the couch across the room
15. When I wake up in the morning...i smile
16. Before I go to bed I..."say a little prayer for you" (yes that song is now stuck in my head)
17. Right now I am thinking my dumb back hurts yet again
18. Babies interesting conundrum
19. I get on to never
20. Today I....have way too much to do and not much time to do it in
21. Tonight I will...go see Spiderman III at midnight
22. Tomorrow I will be...working all day and walking all night
23. I really want...some broccoli and mozzarella pizza like now
24. I tag these six people...the ones that feel like doing a meme thing today