Cat's out of the book bag...

Nov 15, 2011 13:34

Now that Ninya has publically posted it on Facebook, Elizabethan Costume group, I can finally let it out of the bag.

I had been asked at the end of September to help proof the upcoming Henrician/Tudor costuming book, The Queen's Servants by Caroline Johnson, with patterns by Ninya, and edited by Jane & Ninya. I was on such a high when they asked, and felt incredibly honored to even be considered, but I had to keep it private and still can't talk about what is in the book just yet in any specifics. But I can say the book's focus is from Henry VII to early years of Henry VIII's reign - so different again from the work I did for Margo's Pattern.

It is quite an eye opening experience actually helping to proof and help improve upon such a well researched book, in a semi-editorial sense. And to find out today I was in the company of Drea Leeds who was also another of the proofers! OMG!!!!! (thud-faint)

About the book, the images are all in color, the info and patterns are backed up with both documentary and image evidence, many I've not seen before. And they've found and tested out pattern ideas, and certain construction methods that really do make sense, and give the right look of the era.

I will post a full review later in my sewing blog, once I actually get the final book in my hands (or maybe before if I get permission). I will say at this point it is a 5 star book, but then, I'm biased, I admit it. Although remembering how I was unhappy with certain details of the Dress in the Court of Henry VIII book (as in this blog post), if I didn't like something I would have let them know.

And this is why I feel there isn't that much left to actually research in this time period, as they have done such a great job in doing that research for me for the women's clothing (men's too with their earlier book). I'll figure out something, eventually. Like maybe something in accessories. And I will admit, I have to update my handout on early English gabled hoods as I was proven incorrect there, which is just fine - I'd rather be corrected as now I understand other, later aspects even better now.

personal, tudor, hats, book

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