Fixing a leg problem.

Jun 04, 2011 12:33

My legs for the past few days haven't been happy with me. First the heel area was hurting, like a nerve pain shooting up the back of the heel to the knee. Then yesterday the whole leg was hurting, with my knee feeling like it was swollen and not liking it when I bent it. Last night I took a hot bath, and later Rob worked the back of the leg muscles for a bit, and found that the originating pain point was near my buttocks, where the sciatic nerve is at. He pushed on those points for awhile to help loosen them. He used to do this when I was very pregnant with my last child, when I had the same problem then.

Today the leg is feeling a bit better. The knee still feels swollen, but it is moving easier and the pain is less all around.

I also realized that I've been sitting badly, in a slightly twisted position, when I've been doing my embroidery. I think this is what has caused the pain. So I moved out all the stuff in front of where I normally sit on the couch, which included a little table. I now have my feet straight in front of me, and the embroidery floor stand can now sit fully in front of me. No more twisting my body, so hopefully this will ease the pain a lot more. Oh, and I can now recline my seat as well.

I also will be ordering a new floor stand as the one I've got is better suited to holding scroll frames, not slate frames which it wants to pop out all the time. I hope the new one will hold frames better - it looks like it is designed to do so.

Well, off to do more house cleaning while I'm moving easier.


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