If I build it...

Feb 08, 2011 12:09

Recent discussions elsewhere has brought back the memory and possible interest in myself hosting a site similar to Jen Thompson's old Featured Attire, where folks submit their garments for viewing by the public.

However, I would not want an every week submittal (more like every month), and I would want only the better outfits out there for viewing, with details inside and out. How to set up proper parameters for submittal, how to vet the entries, and how to turn away those that are less than par is what stops me.

And I wonder, in this day and age today where we have dressdiaries, and many other costuming blogs that already show off anyone's work that wants it submitted, and the concern of telling someone... sorry, but your outfit is not quite to par so it won't be shown, makes me wonder if I really do want to deal with this. I prefer to encourage excellence, not snark a person's work. Does anyone pay attention to constructive critiques anymore? And outside of the Henrician and late Elizabethan time frame, do I have the right to judge another's work?

And I disliked "Am I Hot or Not" for renfaire costumes - which I can no longer find doing a google search.

So, the idea sits shelved for a bit longer...


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