
Jul 21, 2010 00:32

I'm awake, not because I have insomnia, nope. It's because I took the kids swimming this afternoon and promptly passed out asleep once I got home. I've had to keep Relle busy in the wading pool as Cam and his friend spent most of the time riding the slides. Good news is that Relle was willing and able to not only jump into the pool, but she then would kick off from the jump and swim to me underwater. I kept going farther and farther by a few inches each time, and she got pretty good at swimming (roughly swimming) underwater and holding her breath for awhile. I would then push her back to the side of the pool where she would then get out, and jump back in, and swim back towards me again. We did this for a good half hour before I was tired and got the kids ready to go home.

So, I got a little leftovers to eat, and started in on my emails. I plan to get into my sewing room in a short bit once those are dealt with. Man, parts of me are still tired out from the pool time play.


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