It wasn't there...

May 04, 2010 01:59

The book I mentioned before, where I thought I had finally found that was supposed to include Henry VIII's sumptuary laws... well I finally sat down and was reading through the sections as I had run across the proper dates to look under.

The book is highly edited to exclude acts that were overturned later, which the sumptuary laws I was looking for were indeed overturned later (all were legally overturned in 1604), so they aren't in that pdf book.

I've since found that the book that does include the pertinent parts... are not available online unless I am hooked up to a University system that has access to HeinOnline. It has a complete Statutes of the Realm, which would include volume 3, which I think from all the footnotes I've been looking at is the pertinent volume for Henry's reign. But those footnotes are noting the actual book series from 1963, not the online records.

Vol. 4 pts 1 & 2 cover the appropriate time frame from Edward VI to Elizabeth I. Both of these are available online, and I've downloaded both before. Vol 4, pt 1 covers Mary & Philip, who during their reign also revised the Act regarding certain people who were not allowed to wear silks and such. However, the online copy is so blurry or so faint, that many of the words cannot be made out properly. What I could make out... was in words most lengthy, but in substance rather brief, and seems to be based on the laws that Henry enacted, and what Edward started before his death. I haven't hunted down any of the additional changes Elizabeth made, as she changed the laws several times during her reign and others have already noted the big ones.

I just want to find what Henry enacted in 1510 and 1533! And I would not be surprised if his wording also includes references to even earlier Acts from the kings before him.

And with all that energy spent, time to head off to get some sleep before the kid's alarm.

research, book

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