Taming some chaos

Dec 21, 2009 00:13

This week is going to be a massive cleanup for the Small family Christmas gathering, which will be at our home. First time in about 5 years. I've done some work last week (not enough), Rob finished the painting of the play room, and this weekend Rob and I have been slowly going through the living room and play room. We rearranged the furniture to get a better flow through the living room, which will also make it easier for his Mom to move around with her walker. I've cleared up the pile of toys in front of the fireplace to allow Santa room to enter. The pile of accumulated homework boxes have been sorted, old papers tossed into the blue bin, art pieces & important papers saved to be dealt with later. We still have a lot of toy sorting to go through, mostly tomorrow, and lots more cleaning to be done and more re-arranging of things, but it is nice having more room for the kids to play in, Wii in, maybe even Dancin' to the Oldies in.

I also have the kitchen to tackle, which is going to be a huge job. At least the fridge itself is done inside already (whew!). It's just tackling the counters of all the stuff piled up everywhere, and of course the floors. After the holidays, I think I do need to do some purging of the drawers & cupboards of things, but not now. I also want to bake some treats for the party.

So, busy week it seems. I am sure it will be busy for many of us.

holiday, housework

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