Busy weekend, and we got started late!

Nov 01, 2009 21:58

Yesterday's Halloween was busy working on Relle's fairy wings while Rob made up the pumpkin jack-o-lanterns. He's got a creative talent there, as he made a Tinkerbell, Harry Potter, a skull head, and a mean face. Then it was getting the kids dressed, dinner for all, and out for trick or treating. Relle was a purple fairy friend a la Tinkerbell which took me days to make. Cameron went as Harry Potter, and I made his cloak in one night (so easy). They managed to bring home very full buckets, even with less homes lit this year compared to years past. We also had less kids come by, too.

Then we had our second AD&D 4.0 game, which went well. Still getting used to the new rules, and how things go as a druid. I am able to participate in the combats, but it is learning how to play the druid during the combat scenes. Non combat scenes are pretty interesting. She's the only one who can hear the spirits, which helps in the storyverse.

We played till late, then slept in as much as the kids would allow, considering they were still on the former daylight schedule. Today was spent cleaning up and starting an inventory of my sewing supplies in my sewing room. I have fabrics all done except for some new ones, but I realized when I couldn't find grommets, that I have a number of items I don't know where they are being stored. So I need to purge some unused items, and organize what I am keeping. This will include a computerized database. Which made me realize that I could either work with the Windows software I hated, or make up a version I can use on my Mac. So I looked around, and realized that I need to update my system software before I download an updated database program I have. I bought Snow Leopard, I just never updated. So now I have. Saved about 10 gig of space, which I needed as I was down to 4 gig. I am now saving off to disk a number of files to free up even more space for future use.

So, I guess I will be making up a database this winter. Not sure what to put into it, and I may just go the quick and easy way with a spreadsheet. I will have to ponder on it a bit. But I am putting the stuff down on paper for now. That will be my cleaning and organizing project for the week, so I can be better organized for my creative time. As to the updated system software, it seems a lot like the old one so far. So, I guess I will go play and find out what's different, if anything.

Well, off to do more computer stuff.

Edit: Forgot to note that I am also slowly working on purging the rest of the house. I've gotten a couple of boxes to the thrift store, and will be doing even more of this now that the other major projects are done. We need to focus on the kid's play room to finish painting it, getting in more shelving, then purging their toys, but that will be my project for this fall. So much to do, and with kids underfoot... it just gets pushed back and that means more toys ending up in the living room and underfoot.

maurelle, mac, computer, holiday, cameron, sewing room, gaming, housework, personal, organization

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