Pondering Tudor class proposal

Sep 22, 2009 17:20

Kids are driving me batty right now, in their exuberant, childish, sit on each other and scream until someone gets hurt kind of way.

Meanwhile, I am doing some cleaning, and trying to figure out what exactly to teach at next Spring's Collegium.

I am not sure what level the people who attend the class will be. Beginners? Advanced? Intermediate (most likely, I think). I've not taught there before, and only attended once, so I don't know really what to shoot for.

I have the info I need on hand already, as part of the info I gave to Margo. I won't be giving the people the whole handout (45+ pages each sex), but I think I can use the basic images I drew out with info on what each layer is about, and the options in style over the decades, along with a list of suggested books and web sites. It is pretty much an overview of the first 40 or so years of the century.

I also plan on bringing or wearing sample garments, along with bringing my basic books and patterns. I don't have all the patterns out there for the period, but am familiar enough with the various types to give a decent pro/con discussion on the pattern types. Yes, I am biased, but I know not every pattern company works for every person, and people have different ways of approaching garment construction, or have financial considerations in mind. I may also have to borrow a few patterns to show the folks, as I am not a pattern collector. I also want to focus more on the design lines of the period, fabric considerations, trimmings, jewels, hats, etc.

I just am not sure how to express this for the class proposal writeup. I am also not sure how long the class should be. I can see a 3 hour class I think (each sex done separately), but... either a 2 or 4 hour block of time. So, do I go for the 4 hour and stretch it out, or try and fit it into a 2 hour time slot? There is someone who did a German overview for *men and women* in a 4 hour block of time, so maybe I can do two classes at 2 hours each, or 1 four hour class. I just don't know... and I am not sure how to determine how long or short to make it.

Anyone have any suggestions?
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