I want!

Aug 21, 2009 20:28

In my running around today, I got by the library because they had a book holding for me. The book is "The Italian Renaissance Interior, 1400-1600
" by Peter Thornton.

Oh My Goodness! It is a beautiful HUGE tome (407 pages) filled with information, and most pages have some sort of image or multiple images (all noted as to when and what), most of them in beautiful color! Each chapter is on some aspect of interior furnishings, from cradles to bed hangings (oh my the fabric designs in the various hangings - including a tartan bedspread!). And since they are images that have people in them, I am seeing all sorts of different Italian fashions during the two centuries. Just at first glance alone, I love this book! If only it didn't cost over $200+ to get a used copy {sigh}.

In glancing over this book, I am now inspired not only to make an Italian gown of one sort or another, I am also inspired to design our master bedroom in the Italian style... tho' *which* Italian style I want I don't know. Most likely, a mishmash of things of interest that would work for our needs and in colors slightly more modern. And somehow I want to figure in at least one column somehow into our room... not that we have much space for a column, but maybe I can fake something. Too bad I don't have a fireplace in that room.

Well, I am going to enjoy this book while I have it. And yes, I will be scanning some images from it. I mean, it has floorplans that we can use in gaming, and sketches of various items I would like to have made. And they are noted as to exactly which image the sketches are based on, so I will be scanning the original image, too. Ah, so much info, so little time.

house, italian, renaissance, book

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