And so it ends...

Aug 09, 2009 01:30

Our long running campaing for AD&D 3.5 that my husband ran for nearly 3 years has come to a conclusive end. I like having an ending, and one where our characters eventually ascend to a greater level of being. Very cool.

We will be moving on to an AD&D 4.0 campaign now, and I may be playing a Druid, or maybe the Thief; more likely the druid in one form or another. I have two ideas, that match the two styles of Druid, that basically resurrect the concepts I had from Vampire LARP, but obviously changed to fit this setting. Still need to let it percolate a bit more.

And in costuming news... If you didn't know I have a sewing blog, I do at kimikosews. Feel free to friend me there if you want to know more about my sewing thoughts, research, dress diaries, embroideries (should I get off my behind to work on something), etc.

Now... off to bed.

gaming, costume

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