
Jun 21, 2009 23:03

I watched Merlin tonight, and for me, it was light entertainment.

Kind of along the lines of BBC's Robin Hood series, that had bad costuming, and young heroes in a lighthearted remake of the old storylines. The paper called to mind Smallville, but I don't fully agree. In Smallville, Clark Kent may have been a young inexperienced Superman who still doesn't fly, but the basic goodness and essence of his character was there from the beginning. This one's young Prince Arthur... well, just the fact that he is a Prince Arthur says a lot, considering the old stories had Arthur pretty much an orphan being raised by another man and later finding out his true history, and destiny. And Merlin aged backwards, which in this story is not the case, as Merlin is a young man finding his way towards his own destiny with the help of a Dragon. Ok, seriously? A Dragon? A talking Dragon? Yeah, that cheesy.

I will continue to watch the series, and see what develops. I do enjoy watching Robin Hood (season 3 coming up who knows when), even with the bad costuming, head scratching character development, and twists in characters and their fates (who the hell kills off Marian?). I really am wondering why Gwen is the daughter of a blacksmith, and why Prince Arthur is such a jerk! Ok, he's a period appropriate Knight can do no wrong kind of jerk, but this is supposed to be the great King Arthur someday? Oye, that's going to be an interesting storyline to get him there.

And I am curious about Morgana... the King's ward. Obviously we only saw a hint of what *she* can do.

And really the real reason... Anthony Stewart Head. He's why I was willing to watch this, and he is the reason I will continue to watch it. He reminds me of the RH Sheriff of Nottingham. I just wonder how "evil" he will get, because so far, while he supposedly is the bad guy, I am not quite seeing it yet. Ruthless in upholding his laws as King, but evil? Not so much. I guess we'll see as the series goes on.


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