
Jun 14, 2009 19:17

Not feeling well. Started my monthlies, and it hurts badly this time. So I've been watching lots of Mythbusters, and now reading up on the online news.

Iran is in turmoil with their recent election results! It is odd to read about it, watch about it, and that Twitter is their means for sharing the news with each other and the world! Twitter! Because most other services has been shut down from regular news feeds, to various Iranian web sites (through denial of service attacks).

If you want to read up on it... most sites carry some info, but not much. Andrew Sullivan has pretty much devoted his blog to carrying the info that he's finding or being sent his way.

It is watching history in the making... from a very safe distance away. Still... if Iran should change leaders, it might change a volatile area, tho how much... who knows.


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